There’s a new Plug-In from Know How Transfer and it’s the Best Yet

by shari on July 20, 2018

The new Photoshop CC plugin I can’t get enough of is called Shape, and it is awesome. It combines all the features I love about NEXT, but also provides the boost of color I always added after applying the NEXT effect. It also smoothly combines global contrast with local contrast in a speedy live preview. There are controls for sharpness, and sliders to protect the shadows and highlights, so forget about halos. The ability to control so many adjustments at once and preview them live makes SHAPE easy to use even for photographers new to Photoshop. Shape will change how you process your images. I can’t stop trying it on everything, from city scapes to portraits. For experienced Photoshop users, Shape puts a lot of power and control into very few steps. For those of us who already use the Know How Transfer plug-ins, SHAPE significantly reduces workflow time while adding even more stunning results. I love my new SHAPE! You can try it here. I previously praised the Know How Transfer Vitamin BW plug-in and I still use it for every BW conversion.

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